Myst 2021 only allows movement via the cursor keys. Type Mouse Settings in Search Bar A window like this would appear. There are things-a few things-I like better about the 2014 version-for instance it offers two control schemes-one for movement with the mouse-which is very fast and fluid, and one for movement with the cursor keys. I don't know what the game thinks my native monitor resolution is, 1920x1080 is pretty standard, Asus 24" widescreen HD display, ATI Radeon 270x 4GB card, latest drivers, clean computer, OS and game is installed alone on a 60 Gb SSD. Here is how you can disable it and get more consistent performance in any game. I have not tried any other resolutions yet as I am at work and did not have enough time last night. I have only tried one other resolution (I think 1920x1200 16:10 to see if it would let me adjust the gamma but still no. Kindly let us know if you need any further assistance with Windows. If the issue still persists, I would recommend you to restore the Nvidia Geforce 960 GTX settings to defaults from NVidia Graphics control panel applet. If you select Global Settings, the changes will affect all programs and games. I would suggest you to change the Gamma settings from the games graphic options and check if it works. You can change the settings for all programs and games, or you can do it for assigned programs. This is kinda BS because there is no way you should have to manually do that every time you are about to launch the game or after closing it when you are done. Open the Nvidia control panel right-click on your desktop and select it from the menu. This game has plenty of post-processing options so you dont need to rely on 3rd party software. Now, have to always go back to those settings and change it back when done playing. Nvidias control panel and SweetFX are for games that dont have AA options.
I have to keep my gamma setting in the middle of the slider in the ATI radeon graphics settings in windows in order to adjust the gamma to a proper level in game, leaving windows looking to bright and washed out. Well I'm using 1920x1080 (16:9) Fullscreen mode, that is the native mode for my monitor so I'm not sure why the game will not let me adjust this now, really frustrating and this is why. Now the option is ghosted out for me, with an exclamation icon that when I hover over it, mentions something to the effect of gamma cannot be adjusted outside of the monitor's native display mode. Before, I could simply adjust the gamma in the game no problem, regardless of anything. Game loads fast (the same or faster then before on clean SSD), FPS is great on high settings (I lock it at 60), no crashes, smooth gameplay etc. This feature allows you to start broadcasting your game, perform instant replays, and record gameplay with just a tap of a button. I am not experiencing any of the issues alot of people are talking about except this one. Nvidia G-Sync This groundbreaking tech came out a couple of years ago and does the ingenious work of adapting your monitor refresh rate to your gaming framerate.